nml Module (NeuroML Core classes)#

These NeuroML core classes are Python representations of the Component Types defined in the NeuroML standard . These can be used to build NeuroML models in Python, and these models can then be exported to the standard XML NeuroML representation. These core classes also contain some utility functions to make it easier for users to carry out common tasks.

Each NeuroML Component Type is represented here as a Python class. Due to implementation limitations, whereas NeuroML Component Types use lower camel case naming, the Python classes here use upper camel case naming. So, for example, the adExIaFCell Component Type in the NeuroML schema becomes the AdExIaFCell class here, and expTwoSynapse becomes the ExpTwoSynapse class.

The child and children elements that NeuroML Component Types can have are represented in the Python classes as variables. The variable names, to distinguish them from class names, use snake case. So for example, the cell NeuroML Component Type has a corresponding Cell Python class here. The biophysicalProperties child Component Type in cell is represented as the biophysical_properties list variable in the Cell Python class. The class signatures list all the child/children elements and text fields that the corresponding Component Type possesses. To again use the Cell class as an example, the construction signature is this:

class neuroml.nml.nml.Cell(neuro_lex_id=None, id=None, metaid=None, notes=None, properties=None, annotation=None, morphology_attr=None, biophysical_properties_attr=None, morphology=None, biophysical_properties=None, extensiontype_=None, **kwargs_)

As can be seen here, it includes both the biophysical_properties and morphology child elements as variables.

Please see the examples in the NeuroML documentation to see usage examples of libNeuroML. Please also note that this module is also included in the top level of the neuroml package, so you can use these classes by importing neuroml:

from neuroml import AdExIaFCell

List of Component classes#

This documentation is auto-generated from the NeuroML schema. In case of issues, please refer to the schema documentation for clarifications. If the schema documentation does not resolve the issue, please contact us.