Utilities for checking generated code
- neuroml.utils.add_all_to_document(nml_doc_src: NeuroMLDocument, nml_doc_tgt: NeuroMLDocument, verbose: bool = False) None #
Add all members of the source NeuroML document to the target NeuroML document.
- Parameters:
nml_doc_src (NeuroMLDocument) – source NeuroML document to copy from
nml_doc_tgt (NeuroMLDocument) – target NeuroML document to copy to
verbose (bool) – control verbosity of working
- Raises:
Exception – if a member could not be copied.
- neuroml.utils.append_to_element(parent, child)#
Append a child element to a parent Component
- Parameters:
parent (Object) – parent NeuroML component to add element to
child (Object) – child NeuroML component to be added to parent
- Raises:
Exception – when the child could not be added to the parent
- neuroml.utils.component_factory(component_type: str | type, validate: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Any #
Factory function to create a NeuroML Component object.
Wrapper around the component_factory method that is present in each NeuroML component type class.
Please see GeneratedsSuperSuper.component_factory for more information.
- neuroml.utils.ctinfo(component_type)#
Provide information on any neuroml Component Type class.
This creates a new object (component) of the component type and call its info() method.
- Parameters:
component_type (str or type) – component type to print information for, either a string (the name) or the class itself
- Returns:
informatin string
- Return type:
- neuroml.utils.ctparentinfo(component_type)#
Provide information on the parentage of any NeuroML Component Type class.
This creates a new object (component) of the component type and call its parentinfo() method.
- Parameters:
component_type (str or type) – component type to print information for, either a string (the name) or the class itself
- Returns:
information string
- Return type:
- neuroml.utils.fix_external_morphs_biophys_in_cell(nml2_doc: NeuroMLDocument, overwrite: bool = True) NeuroMLDocument #
Handle externally referenced morphologies and biophysics in cells.
This is only used in the case where a cell element has a morphology (or biophysicalProperties) attribute, as opposed to a subelement morphology/biophysicalProperties. This will substitute the external element into the cell element for ease of access
The referenced morphologies can be included in the same document directly, or in other documents included using the “IncludeType”. This function will load the included documents and attempt to read referenced bits from them.
Note that if a cell already includes Morphology and BiophysicalProperties, we just use those. Any references to other Morphology/BiophysicalProperties elements will be ignored.
- Parameters:
nml2_doc (neuroml.NeuroMLDocument) – NeuroML document
overwrite (bool) – toggle whether the document is overwritten or a deep copy created
- Returns:
neuroml document
- Raises:
KeyError – if referenced morphologies/biophysics cannot be found
- neuroml.utils.get_hier_graph_networkx(graph: DiGraph, hier: Dict[str, Any])#
Get a networkx graph of the NeuroML hierarchy
- Parameters:
graph – graph object to populate
hier – component type hierarchy obtained from get_class_hierarchy and get_nml2_class_hierarchy methods
- Returns:
- neuroml.utils.get_relative_component_path(src: str, dest: str, root: ~typing.Type = <class 'neuroml.nml.nml.NeuroMLDocument'>, graph: ~networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph | None = None)#
Construct a path from src component to dest in a neuroml document.
Useful when referring to components in other components Note that
- Parameters:
src – source component
dest – destination component
root – root component of the hierarchy
graph – a networkx digraph of the NeuroML hierarchy if available if not, one is constructed
- Returns:
calculated path and networkx digraph for future use
- neuroml.utils.get_summary(nml_file_name: str) str #
Get a summary of the given NeuroML file.
- Parameters:
nml_file_name (str) – name of NeuroML file to get summary of
- Returns:
summary of provided file
- Return type:
- neuroml.utils.has_segment_fraction_info(connections: list) bool #
Check if connections include fraction information
- Parameters:
connections (list) – list of connection objects
- Returns:
True if connections include fragment information, otherwise False
- Return type:
- neuroml.utils.is_valid_neuroml2(file_name: str) None #
Check if a file is valid NeuroML2.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – name of NeuroML file to check
- Returns:
True if file is valid, False if not.
- Return type:
- neuroml.utils.main()#
- neuroml.utils.print_hierarchy(tree, indent=4, current_ind=0)#
Print the hierarchy tree generated by get_class_hierarchy
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/75161393/375067
- neuroml.utils.print_summary(nml_file_name: str) None #
Print a summary of the NeuroML model in the given file.
- Parameters:
nml_file_name (str) – name of NeuroML file to print summary of
- neuroml.utils.validate_neuroml2(file_name: str) None #
Validate a NeuroML document against the NeuroML schema specification.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – name of NeuroML file to validate.
- Raises:
ValueError – if document is invalid